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Building A Presence


3% increase in YoY earned media coverage (first five months).
43% of online coverage included linkbacks to LegalShield homepage
3x industry average engagement rate on PR-driven social media posts

Founded in 1972, LegalShield has assisted more than 30 million families through pre-paid legal services and put more than $600 million back in members' pockets. However, despite its 51-year-history, the company remained virtually unknown to the media. In fact, the brand averaged only 12 earned media placements in 2022.

Phone with the text "Get legal help now. legal issues can be confusing, complicated, and even a little embarrassing. We are here to help."

In 2023, LDWW stepped in to help LegalShield shed its anonymity and build a strong media presence.

LDWW recognized this untapped potential and saw an opportunity to help LegalShield not only tell its story, but position itself as a key player in the legal services industry. With a strategic approach and focused efforts, LDWW aimed to transform LegalShield from a legal nobody to a media darling, all within the first few months of the partnership.

Legacies at risk: Survey reveals nearly 60% of Americans unprepared for the inevitable. 90% of Americans believe having a will is important, nearly 60% do not have one prepared. 58% experienced conflict, or know someone who has, due to the absence of an estate plan or will. 56% of those with a spouse/parter don't have a will. 37% of adult children who know their parents have a Will don't know where it is. 22% with a Will have never updated it. 36% say there are surprises for their beneficiaries in their Wills.

To break through the media noise,

 LegalShield and LDWW crafted three “tentpole”

campaigns designed to bolster recognition, generate media coverage, and ultimately drive new members. Taking advantage of “newsjacking” opportunities and by conducting proprietary research, LDWW and LegalShield were able to capitalize on trends with a distinct, data-driven point of view.

Less than a year into the partnership

LDWW has generated never-before-seen results for LegalShield from its aggressive, cross-platform strategy, and LegalShield has seen headlines in major news outlets including the Associated Press, USA Today, MarketWatch, US News and World Report, and the Los Angeles Times. After just a few months, LegalShield expanded its scope with LDWW, adding in support for organic social media strategy and content development to amplify earned media and PR efforts across owned platforms. 

Woman holding her phone with text "a new report by identity theft protection brand IDShileld discovered a whopping seven out of ten dating app users had been scammed.
A woman with headphones in with the text "2023 me without LegalShield vs 2024 me with LegalShield".
6 in 10 buyers report difficulty making warranty claims.